959 Muro, Otsu-cho, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture
Phone: 096-293-1163
Fax: 096-293-0751

November Notice
・Otsu Town Infant Health Checkup
11/7 (Wed) 11/16 (Wed) 11/30 (Wed)
Treatment is proceeding as normal.
・On 11/20 (Sunday), we are on duty at the holiday doctor (9: 00-17: 00).
・Due to the rapid increase in the number of coronavirus infections, the number of inquiries about examinations and consultations at our hospital is increasing rapidly.
In our clinic, we also have a fever doctor's appointment as usual.If you are suspected of being infected with coronavirus or would like to be tested, please contact us before coming to the hospital.
In addition, when a child is being examined, only if the accompanying guardian also has symptoms such as fever, we accept examinations and examinations as an exception, but we refrain from examinations and examinations only for the guardian. I'm here.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
important information
・We are accepting reservations for the 2022 influenza vaccination. Simultaneous vaccination with the new coronavirus vaccine is allowed, but the reception window for reservation is different, so to avoid confusionWe do not accept same-day vaccinations.Those who received one vaccination at another hospital are also eligible. Thank you for your cooperation.
・We accept reservations for Japanese encephalitis vaccine.
・Although we accept vaccinations for the new coronavirus, please refrain from contacting our clinic directly by phone.
Otsu Vaccination Call Center (0570-666-312) or the reservation site dedicated to Otsu Town (https://vaccine-yoyaku.jp/ozu/) to make a reservation.
About the flow of consultation and vaccination,"blog"Please see